RAP4 RAM Desert Eagle Paintball gun

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$ 449.99

Total: $449.99
The Desert Eagle Real Action Marker Paintball pistol is the ultimate in reality training. RAM products are replicas of the actual firearm and utilize clips containing either .43 caliber paintballs or .43 caliber rubber balls. Rubber balls are commonly used for military, police, or other authority training. This Desert Eagle RAM pistol is powered by one 12g CO2 capsule. It looks, feels and shoots with great accuracy just like the real Desert Eagle for virtual reality paintball. The sleek, black Desert Eagle comes in a foam-lined, black, hard plastic gun case. Additional .43 caliber magazines are available. RAM markers are used in milsim (military simulation) and police force training situations.
FPS:300 to 350
Ammo Type:Rubber BB
Power Source:Co2
Trigger Action:Double
Blowback Action:Blowback

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