T92 Polymer Contoured Holster

Out of Stock
$ 20.88

Total: $20.88


  • Alternative of PT92, PT809, PT605 beretta 92, 92fs

  • Make of durable,high-tech black polymer materials;

  • Comfortable Contoured Paddle part with soft silicon materials;

  • Rotates 360 degrees for every application (small of back, cross draw)
Holster Type:Hip

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Cytac Polymer Holsters and  .223 Ammo Belt Review

Cytac Polymer Holsters and .223 Ammo Belt Review

(163 raters) 15129 views - 10/21/2015 4:43:44 AM
Check out the my written Table Top Review with additional photos for these Accessories:

We have some new cool accessories in our Canada Replica Airguns Store I wanted to share with everyone by making a YouTube Video Review for these items.

If you watched my recent Halloween Costume Contest Giveaway Video for this year then you know I am going as Rambo an when dressing up as Rambo one need sot be wearing an Ammo Belt to pull of such a roll! The good news is we now have them in our Canada Replica Airguns Store, well at least for now and these are real decompressioned .223 bullets, so in other words the primmers have already been fired and they do not have any gun powder in them. They do look the part and come in a belt configuration containing 80 plus rounds.

I also show off some really high quality Cytac Polymer Holsters and Magazine Pouches along with a Cytac Drop Leg Platform that can be configured to add both the Cytac Holsters and the Mag Pouches to it.

Buy the .233 Ammo Belt in Canada:

Buy the Cytac T92 Polymer Holster in Canada:

Buy the Cytac 1911 Polymer Holster in Canada:

Buy the Cytac T92 Polymer Magazine Pouch in Canada:

Buy the Cytac 24/7 Polymer Magazine Pouch in Canada:

Buy the Cytac Polymer Drop Leg Platform in Canada:

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